If you know a baseball fan, he or she
will get a big kick out of being the
star of this book. Just before the last
game of the World Series, an injury
keeps the starting pitcher from showing
up. The coach goes to the dugout phone
and actually miss-dials the phone number
and reaches the main character and tells
him/her to be ready to pitch. When your
friend/loved-one shows up as the new
substitute pitcher, all chaos breaks
loose. However, he/she saves the day and
wins the World Series, and this book is
the only remaining evidence he/she was
the hero of the day.
This book is
for teens or adults.
Here for Child's Version)
This book is in black and white.
- Ages 11 yrs - Adults
- Quality hard-cover personalized
- Washable Hard Covers
- 36 pages